ChrisTian TEaching in TASmania. Perfect.

At Christian Education National schools in Tassie, you can make a difference. You have freedom to express your faith and values, with Jesus at the centre.

Tasmania’s beautiful environment has space to breathe, amazing food and wine, wilderness to explore, and adventure on your doorstep. There are endless opportunities.

We think it's perfect.


Christian teaching and unconstrained adventure, wilderness untouched.

You are the Principal.

Christian teaching that offers the opportunity to lead change.

real Difference. Perfect.

Christian teaching with room to embrace your passions, whatever they are.

time for your
family. Perfect.

Christian teaching with less time getting to work and more time with the kids.

Students who Love
Learning. Perfect.

Christian teaching that cultivates creativity and curiosity.

Lunchtime walk Across
the Road. Perfect.

Christian teaching with excellent facilities and everything close by.

Teaching from the Bible. Perfect.

Christian teaching that's embedded in everything you do and authentic church community.

Culture in every moment. Perfect.

Christian teaching and amazing food, wine and more time with friends.

Daily Prayer and
Devotion. Perfect.

Christian teaching that grows curious minds in faith and understanding.

 Our Schools

Christian Education in amazing locations